The Team GEN crew have posted on PSPGEN their progress on Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D3 and 5.03 GEN-C, which are at the moment work in progress firmwares. Slated for a December 15th release (2 weeks away) the new firmware will focus on support for the PSP Go! Cam (using the eye of judgment), running games and demos that require firmware 6.xx, both PSN downloads and UMD versions. Also they will finally get the network updater running for GEN Firmwares. Something we haven’t seen working since the M33firmware days… So we can just run the network update from our XMB and update to the latest GEN Custom Firmware release.
Yoshihiro is also working on the NIDS 6.0 support. So we might be able to run SenseMe and Digital Comics. So we just have to sit back and wait for some new CFW goodness pre Xmas…
And if your in the Xmas giving mood already Team GEN are taking donations. Hell I flicked them a 10′er for all they have done.